Body processing of furniture/batch size 1
Product advantages:
- Highly flexible batch size 1 system for machining furniture parts
- Machining of coated chipboards and MDF boards with dimensions from 240 mm x 120 mm up to 2,800 mm x 1,300 mm
- Output requirement of more than 600 parts per shift
- Highly flexible shuttle circulation as workpiece transport and clamping system
- Precision-compensated industrial robots for drilling machining and metal fitting
- Direct integration into the customer’s machining control system for flexible processing of the production batch
- Automatic loading and unloading with direct connection of customer-side AGV
1 Basic machine with Modular Transport System
2 Loading module
3 Measuring module
4 Processing module
5 Fitting module
6 Unloading module
Modular Transport System
Product advantages:
- Flexible transport system consisting of machine bed with linear guides and racks, rotational transfer units, intelligent movement units (shuttles), control system and user interface
- High positioning accuracy combined with high load capacity and load-bearing capacity in the direction of movement
- Scalable system in terms of circulation length and number of shuttles
- Independently programmable shuttles in terms of position, speed and acceleration
- Dynamic configuration of assemblies with flexible control of all shuttles as master or slave
1 Linear guides for absorbing weight and machining forces
2 Optimized rack and pinion drive for the highest demands on linear drive systems
3 Transmission of electrical energy and information (CAN bus) via sliding contacts
Loading module
Product advantages:
- Loading of two independent storage locations parallel to production via AGV with muting function
- 6-arm robot with individually controllable quadruple suction traverse
- Lane-by-lane loading from the new parts stack and individual loading from the tray trolley
- Label-free reading of the stack data directly via the customer’s production control system
- Alignment and separation via alignment station with plausibility check
- Provision and positioning of the shuttles depending on the part size
1 High-speed doors with muting function for automatic loading with AGVs
2 Workpiece provision as a stack
3 Workpiece provision in a rack trolley for rear-side processing
4 Loading robot
5 Suction traverse for lane-by-lane loading
6 Alignment station
Measurement module
Machining module
Product advantages:
- Machining by two precision-compensated ABB machining robots and multifunctional machining heads with individually adjustable machining units
- Execution of all necessary machining functions: Grooving, milling, Clamex milling, horizontal and vertical drilling, row drilling
- Dynamic distribution of machining by upstream drilling optimizer to the two machining robots to optimize performance
1 Processing robot ABB
2 Processing head
3 Robot control
4 Spindle cooling
5 Protective cabin with suction system
6 Operating terminal
Metal fitting module
Product advantages:
- Program-controlled setting of different fitting types by a robot with multiple metal fitting head
- Manual feeding of fittings on stackable trays in the transfer station
- Provision of fittings by the robot by positioning the trays in an alignment station
1 Processing robot
2 Fitting setting head
3 Loading station for fittings
4 Alignment and supply station
Unloading module
Product advantages:
- Fully automated unloading by 6-arm robot with independently activated 4x suction traverse
- Dynamic prioritization of workpiece placement on conveyor line, tray trolley or buffer store
- Main time-parallel pick-up of tray trolleys via AGV with muting function
1 High-speed doors with muting function for automatic workpiece transport with AGV
2 Unloading robot
3 Suction traverse
4 Shelf trolley for depositing parts for rear-side machining
5 Intermediate buffer
6 Roller conveyor for workpiece transport
Machining head
Product advantages:
- Modular multifunctional head for implementing the various functions on the machining module
- Project-specific design of the multifunctional head for minimum space requirements and tool change effort
- Drilling unit for single and series drilling operations
1–24 Vertical drill spindles with quick-action chuck
25–31 Horizontal drill spindles with Weldon chuck
33 End mill
34 Clamex vertical
35 Grooving saw
36 Clamex horizontal
37–38 Foot drill
39–41 Hinge drilling unit