Axis Compensation Modules
Series FGR

  • Effortless joining process
    The ease of movement makes it possible to carry out even the finest joining processes in the shortest amount of time
  • Single-acting pneumatic cylinder
    For easy control and a reduced amount of piping required
  • Can be fixed in place centrally or de-centrally
    For the optimal process sequence, depending on the requirement, you can clamp or centrally lock the equalizer position
  1. Energy supply
  2. Robust, lightweight housing
    Hard-coated aluminum alloy
  3. Robot flange
    partial mounting circle in accordance with EN ISO 9409-1
  4. Drive eccentric mounting
    single-acting pneumatic cylinder with friction disc
  5. Drive centering
    three single-acting pneumatic cylinders with cone pistons at 120° distance
  6. Energy supply
    eccentric clamping
  7. Force transfer
    direct and low-loss via cone/friction disc
  8. Compensation
    force-free compensation of position inaccuracies up to +/- 4 mm compensating stroke