Like the parent organization, Zimmer Group, the System Technology area has a long history. It came about back in 1994 because of a request voiced by many customers who also wanted entire function groups instead of just automation components. The step of buying gripper and handling components additionally as a functional and tested system assembly was necessary for reaching the next stage of complexity for major projects in the Powertrain segment at the required speed. As a result, while the degree of automation initially grew in automotive manufacturing, other industries soon followed suit. The proximity to the development team for standard components enabled us to create variants based on their technical platform and evolve them into system assemblies.
This development started with relatively small units with low complexity and quickly led to increasingly complex system solutions. We were far ahead of our competitors in offering machine, device and interference contour analyses as well as service at the customer's plant. Today, our portfolio includes an extensive package of supplementary services that go far beyond engineering, design and installation. Spare part and other services, on-site commissioning, digital services such as cloud connection and many more complete the scope of services provided by Zimmer Group System Technology.