THE KNOW-HOW à son apogée

À l’heure de la révolution numérique, notre KNOW-HOW FACTORY accompagne nos clients du monde entier dans leur évolution vers une technologie de pointe. Nous sommes non seulement un leader technologique et un fabricant de logiciels et de matériel informatique tout-en-un, mais aussi un partenaire compétent en matière de recherche et développement. Zimmer Group est synonyme d’entreprise familiale, de passion, d’innovation, de cohérence, de savoir-faire et de vision, et a pour objectif d’assurer la croissance de ses clients en leur fournissant, à l’avenir, une gamme complète.


Worldwide, digital transformation is on the advance in all areas of life. This change is both a challenge and an opportunity. The increasing individualization of society and the global flexibility of the markets require customized, networked solutions and pose new challenges for the production processes. The smart factory of the future is flexible, highly efficient and communicative. Processes become safer, more effective, more independent, adapt quickly and easily to new products and production workflows. This networked future also opens up new and innovative business areas and value chains. With their additional functional scope, digital software modules expand the primary functionalities of mechatronic components, systems and plants, and make them even more ergonomic, flexible, productive and reliable. Start now into the future of digitization – with THE KNOW HOW FACTORY.